Self-Auditing Regular Rate Compliance

CATEGORY: Webinars on Demand
PRESENTER: Peter J. Brown

Is your agency properly including the necessary forms of compensation in its regular rate of pay calculation?  Do you know steps you can take now to ensure that you are calculating overtime consistent with the regular rate of pay?  From reviewing MOUs to identifying “red flags” to determining whether you are paying in excess of the requirements of the FLSA, please join us for this one-hour webinar to learn about ways your agency can self-audit its regular rate compliance.  This webinar will provide practical guidance to help you assess your regular rate compliance and to make adjustments if necessary to avoid a legal challenge.

Duration: 1 hour

Who Should Attend:

Supervisors, Managers, Department Heads, Human Resources Staff, Agency Negotiators, Finance/Payroll and IT staff responsible for ensuring compliance with the FLSA.

Please email Jaja Hsu at jhsu@lcwlegal.com or call 310.981.2091.

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