Assembly Bill 10 – Requires The Department Of Education Create And Make Available A Body Shaming Model Policy And Related Resources

CATEGORY: Public Education Matters
CLIENT TYPE: Public Education
DATE: Dec 06, 2023

Existing law provides that the California Healthy Youth Act’s purpose is to provide pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to develop healthy attitudes concerning, among other things, body image.

This bill requires the California Department of Education (Department) to develop and post on its website a model policy and resources about body shaming.  The Department must consult with the California Health and Human Services Agency, the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission, and other relevant stakeholders to develop the model policy and resources.  The model policy and resources must be appropriate for pupils in kindergarten and grades 1-12.

The model policy and resources must be made available on or before June 30, 2025.  The bill encourages school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools (LEAs) to inform teachers, staff, parents, and pupils about the available resources.  The bill also encourages LEAs to provide information regarding body shaming in pupil and employee handbooks and include the information on each school site’s website.

(AB 10 adds Article 4.7 (commencing with Section 232.7) to Chapter 2 of Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 1 of the Education Code.)

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