Assembly Bill 1342 – Allows Students Who Attended Community College In High School To Be Eligible For A Fee Waiver Under The California College Promise Funding

CATEGORY: Public Education Matters
CLIENT TYPE: Public Education
DATE: Dec 06, 2023

Existing law establishes the California College Promise to provide funding to community college districts who meet the requirements of Education Code Section 76396.2.  Community colleges may use that funding to waive some or all of the fees for two academic years for first-time community college students and returning community college students who are enrolled in 12 or more semester units or the equivalent, or less for students certified as “full time,” and who complete and submit either a Free Application for Federal Student Aid or a California Dream Act Application.  Assembly Bill 1342 adds to the definition of “first time community college student,” a high school student who attended a community college full-time, part-time, or in a dual enrollment program.

(AB 1342 amends Education Code Section 76396.3.)

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