Assembly Bill 889 – Requires The Annual Notification Sent To Parents To Include Information Regarding The Dangers Associated With Using Synthetic Drugs
Existing law requires the school districts governing board issue a notice at the beginning of the first semester or quarter of each school year to parents or guardians of minor pupils of the parent or guardians specified rights and responsibilities and of certain district policies and procedures.
AB 889 requires a school district, county office of education, and charter school (LEA) to inform the parents or guardians of each enrolled pupil about the dangers associated with using synthetic drugs that are not prescribed by a physician, such as fentanyl. Parents or guardians shall also be informed of the possibility that dangerous synthetic drugs can be found in counterfeit pills.
The bill requires the LEA to provide this information to parents or guardians annually at the beginning of the first semester or quarter of the regular school year. The information may be incorporated in the currently required annual notice. The bill also requires LEAs that maintain a website include this information on their district and school websites.
(AB adds Section 48985.5 to the Education Code.)