Assembly Bill 908 – Repeals The Additional Funding Provision In The LCFF Provided To Districts For Migrant Pupils Based On Migrant Housing Projects Within The District And Amends The National Board For Professional Standards To Provide An Additional Award Of $495 To Eligible Teachers

CATEGORY: Public Education Matters
CLIENT TYPE: Public Education
DATE: Dec 06, 2023

AB 908 is an urgency bill that became effective upon the Governor’s approval on October 13, 2023.

Existing law includes average daily attendance as a component of the calculation under the local control funding formula (LCFF).  Currently, for each school district that operates a school where one or more state-operated migrant housing projects are located within the attendance area of the school, and at least 1/3 of the maximum number of pupils enrolled in the school district are migrant, the LCFF provides an increase in district’s fiscal year average daily attendance.

AB 908 removes from existing law the increase in the district’s fiscal year average daily attendance based on pupil enrollment classified as migrants by repealing Education Code Section 42238.053.

Existing law establishes the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, which provides that teachers who attain a national board certification are eligible for an award of $25,000.  Existing law provides that teachers who initiate the process of attaining national board certification when teaching at a high-priority school are eligible for an award of $2,500.

AB 908 amends the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards award eligibility beginning July 1, 2023, to also provide an award of $495 to teachers who initiate the process of Maintenance of Certification from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards.  The bill also amends the definition of “high-priority school” to mean a school with 55 percent or more of its pupils being unduplicated pupils who are classified as English learner, eligible for free or reduced-price meal, or foster youth.

(AB 908 amends Section 44395 and repeals Section 42238.053 of the Education Code.)

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