Senate Bill 350 – Amends Existing Law To Excuse A Pupil’s Absence From School To Attend A Funeral Or To Grief The Death Of Family Member Or Equivalent

CATEGORY: Public Education Matters
CLIENT TYPE: Public Education
DATE: Dec 06, 2023

Existing law excuses pupils from school for specified absences.  One of the specified reasons includes for the attendance of funeral services of a member of the pupil’s immediate family.

SB 350 amends existing law to excuse a pupil from school for not more than five days for the purpose of attending the funeral services or grieving the death of, either:

  • A family member or
  • A person that is determined by the pupil’s parent or guardian considered in close association with the pupil as to be considered the pupil’s immediate family member.
  • The bill also excuses a pupil’s absence for not more than three days related to a death as described above: To access services from a victim services organization or agency.
  • To access grief support services.
  • To participate in safety planning or to take other actions to increase the safety of the pupil or an immediate family member of the pupil, or a person that is determined by the pupil’s parent or guardian to be in such close association with the pupil as to be considered the pupil’s immediate family, including, but not limited to, temporary or permanent relocation.

SB 350 also amends the provision related to attendance at religious retreats.  Existing law provides the school administrator the discretion to approve a pupil’s absence to attend a religious retreat for not more than four hours during the school day.  The bill amends this provision and provides for one school day per semester.

(SB 350 amends Section 48205 of the Education Code.)

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