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No Representative Matters

Why One School District Spent $1 Million Fighting a Special-Education Student
The Wall Street Journal

Recently quoted in The Wall Street Journal, LCW Partner Amy Brandt comments on a California case highlighting the rising legal disputes between school districts and parents seeking assistance for their children. Brandt notes that “The squeaky wheel gets the oil. The families who can squeak the...

New State Guidance for Small Cohorts of Children from Governor and Department of Public Health
LCW Special Bulletin

On Tuesday, August 25, 2020, the California Department of Public Health (“CDPH”) issued guidance for the use of small “cohorts” and groups of children and youth in order to deliver limited, in-person child supervision and instruction services. This “Cohorting Guidance,” applies to children and...

February 23, 2024
Legal Update
Webinar | CUPA-HR College and University Professional Association for Human Resources
April 30, 2024
Say What? First Amendment Audits and Speech Issues on Campus
La Jolla | Community College League of California (CCLC) Executive Assistants Workshop
May 01, 2024
What Can Happen Next?! Current Legal Issues
La Jolla | Community College League of California (CCLC) Executive Assistants Legal Issues Workshop
May 01, 2024
Are We There Yet? Upcoming Federal Title IX Revisions
La Jolla | Community College League of California (CCLC) Executive Assistants Legal Issues Workshop
May 04, 2024
Are They Here Yet? Upcoming Federal Title IX Revisions
La Jolla | Community College League of California (CCLC) Executive Assistants Workshop

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