Photo team member


JD, University of California, Los Angeles School of Law

BA, University of California, Los Angeles

Did You Know

Gabriella’s poetry career peaked at age 17 when she won a national youth poetry award.

Community College District v. Former Student (2024) – LCW obtained a workplace violence restraining order for a Community College District against a former student, following months of escalating harassment and threats toward faculty and staff.  Despite disciplinary actions, the former student’s behavior worsened, including threats of violence against employees. The LCW team secured a temporary restraining order, and after a hearing, the court granted the restraining order, providing protection and relief for the College’s employees.

Firefighters Union v. City (2024) – Persuaded PERB to dismiss an Unfair Practice Charge by a firefighters’ union based on a failure to state a prima facie claim that the City made an unlawful unilateral change to wages, hours, or working conditions.

Police Lieutenant v. City (2023) – Convinced PERB’s General Counsel to dismiss an Unfair Practice Charge that a police lieutenant filed against the police chief on the grounds that PERB lacks jurisdiction over individual peace officers.

The 411 on SB 1100’s Impact on Driver’s License Requirements
California Public Agency Labor & Employment Blog

As we cruise into 2025, LCW has received a number of questions regarding Senate Bill 1100, the new law that prohibits including a driver’s license requirement in job postings and applications unless the employer reasonably expects that driving is a job function of the position. This blog post...

The DOE’s New Title IX Regulations: A Summary of the Key Provisions
LCW Special Bulletin

On April 19, 2024, after a lengthy notice and comment period that produced over 240,000 public comments, the U.S. Department of Education released the final regulations implementing Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.  Effective on August 1, 2024, the new regulations will replace the...

When Politics and Employment Mix: What Speech is Protected at Work
The Recorder

Recently featured in The Recorder, LCW Senior Counsel David Urban and Attorney Gabriella Kamran authored an article which explores employee rights concerning political activity. They emphasize, “California is one of several states with laws that restrict private employers from interfering in...

Following in California’s Footsteps
Inside Higher Ed

Recently featured in Inside Higher Ed, LCW Partner Michael Blacher and Attorney Gabriella Kamran delve into California’s race-neutral admissions policies, offering insights for diversity objectives. They emphasize, “California’s experiments with race-neutral diversity measures—and courts’...

Universities’ Competing Free Speech Obligations Need Untangling
Bloomberg Law

Recently published in Bloomberg Law, LCW Senior Counsel David A. Urban and Attorney Gabriella Kamran examine laws on free speech and harassment that universities must consider. In their analysis, Urban and Kamran discuss the complexities surrounding public and private educational...

Public Protests and Harassment Law in 2024
California Public Agency Labor & Employment Blog

In a much-publicized congressional hearing on December 5, 2023, the presidents of Harvard, MIT, and the University of Pennsylvania faced pointed questions by the House Education and Workforce Committee regarding antisemitism on college campuses. Several exchanges—and public debate...

Hiring Minors 101
California Public Agency Labor & Employment Blog

The weather is getting warmer and the sun is getting brighter, and you know what that means–employers everywhere are calling their lawyers to ask how they can put teenagers on payroll this summer! Many employers that operate summer programming seek to hire minors as recreational leaders, day camp...

December 03, 2024
2025 Private Education Legislative Roundup

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