Photo team member


JD, UC College of the Law, San Francisco

BA, San Diego State University

Did You Know

When he was 17, Will ate a 5-lb burger in 30 minutes and still has his picture on the wall at a restaurant near his hometown.

Six Police Officers v. City and Police Department (2024) – Convinced the superior court to grant the city and its police department a motion for summary judgment.  The officers claimed harassment based on public artwork that they believed was offensive to their race.  The court agreed with LCW that the public artwork was not objectively offensive, not visible from the police department,  and did not constitute workplace harassment.

Former Employee v. City (2024) – Persuaded the superior court to dismiss a complaint the former employee brought to challenge their termination for performance issues.

Agricultural Commissioner v. County, BOS, and Five Subordinate Employees (2023) – Won a dismissal of terminated Ag Commissioner’s multi-claim lawsuit for harassment, discrimination and retaliation after a successful demurrer, motion for judgment on the pleadings, and a motion for summary judgment.

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