Harassment Prevention: Train the Trainer Refresher

CATEGORY: Train the Trainer
PRESENTER: T. Oliver Yee
DATE: October 15 2021, 9:00 am

Trainers who have already attended a Liebert Cassidy Whitmore Train the Trainer session are eligible to attend the Refresher course at a discounted rate.  Liebert Cassidy Whitmore’s expert trainers will provide you with the necessary tools to continue conducting mandatory harassment training for your agency.

Attendees Receive:

Three hours of instruction to be completed in one day. Facilitator Guide, PowerPoint slides, and case studies that are in compliance with new California Law for supervisory and non-supervisory training. These materials include detailed speakers’ notes for use in future presentations. Participant Guide for distribution in their future presentations. Legal updates, where warranted, for a two-year period, including updated slides and facilitator/participant guides. Certificate of Attendance for “Train the Trainer session.”


Please email Anna Sanzone-Ortiz at asanzone-ortiz@lcwlegal.com or call 310.981.2051.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

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Train the Trainer
Harassment Prevention: Train the Trainer
Train the Trainer
Harassment Prevention: Train the Trainer Refresher