COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave: Understanding New Leave Obligations Under SB 95 and Best Practices to Offset Increased Costs for Private Schools & Nonprofit Organizations

CATEGORY: Webinars on Demand
PRESENTER: Stacy L. Velloff

In this webinar, we will discuss the new COVID-19-related paid sick leave obligations required under Labor Code section 248.2 (Senate Bill 95). Specifically, we will address the new COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave requirements, and how your school or non-profit should modify paid sick leave policies and practices to comply with both prospective and retroactive obligations under the statute.

We will also discuss how the recently-enacted American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”) may provide financial relief to your school or non-profit in the form of payroll tax credits, and how your school or non-profit should consider modifying its paid sick leave policies and practices in order to qualify for such relief.

As part of this training, we will also provide participants a sample COVID-19 Supplemental Sick Leave Policy that your school or non-profit may adopt and implement in order to comply with the new statutory requirements under Labor Code section 248.2 and qualify for financial relief from the federal government.

About the Sample COVID-19 Supplemental Sick Leave Policy: This policy will be added to the Liebert Library and will be available to download by Premium Liebert Library subscribers only. If you are interested in becoming a member or upgrading your membership please email library@lcwlegal.com.

Who Should Attend: Employees responsible for implementing employee leaves and payroll, and making financial decisions, such as human resources directors or managers, chief financial officers, and other employees that perform human resources, payroll, and finance duties.

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