Effectively Using Public Safety FLSA Work Periods
How an agency designates its FLSA work periods can have a huge impact on overtime costs. Two employees working the same hours at the same rate of pay may be owed completely different amounts of overtime pay, simply because of the FLSA work periods that have been designated for each of them. This effect is most pronounced in the public safety context, where employees have nontraditional work schedules and regularly work considerable overtime. The FLSA provides a way to control some overtime costs for fire protection and law enforcement personnel by allowing public agencies to utilize FLSA work periods and overtime thresholds that are more favorable than the 7-day/40-hour standard required for most other kinds of employees. However, choosing the optimal FLSA work period and start date involves careful consideration, as does creating work schedules that minimize overtime costs without affecting coverage levels.
Join Peter J. Brown, Chair of LCW’s Wage & Hour Practice Group, for this one-hour webinar on effectively using FLSA work periods for public safety employees. Peter will be discussing the benefits of selecting public safety work periods that can work best for your agency, options and preliminary requirements for doing so, and strategies for making the most out of these work periods.
Who Should Attend:
Supervisors, Managers (including those who work in law enforcement and the fire service), Department Heads, Human Resources Staff, Finance/Payroll and IT staff responsible for ensuring compliance with the FLSA.
Please email Jaja Hsu at or call 310.981.2091.