Preparing for the Expiration of COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (“SPSL”)

CATEGORY: Webinars on Demand

On September 30, COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave provided under Labor Code section 248.2 (“SB 95”) expires.

The expiration of SPSL raises a number of questions for public employers, including how to address obligations related to the provision of compensation to employees excluded from the workplace under the Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Regulations and how the federal government may provide some financial assistance to public employers to offset some of these expenses.

In this webinar, we will address these questions as well as others related to the expiration of SPSL, including those related to discretionary policies that public employers may elect to offer to employees or which may be proposed by your labor organizations. The presentation will include legal and practical guidance for employers to consider.

Duration: 1 hour

Who Should Attend
Supervisors, Managers, Human Resources Staff

Please email Jaja Hsu at Jhsu@lcwlegal.com or call 310.981.2091.

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