Labor Relations Certification Program

The Liebert Cassidy Whitmore Labor Relations Certification Program© is designed for labor relations and human resources professionals who work in public sector agencies. It is designed for both those new to the field as well as experienced practitioners seeking to hone their skills. These workshops combine educational training with experiential learning methods ensuring that knowledge and skill development are enhanced. Participants may take one or all of the classes, in any order. Take all of the classes to earn your certificate!

Explore All Available Classes

Regardless of the stage of your career, Certification adds a valuable dimension to your professional development. LCW’s Labor Relations Certification Program provides the opportunity to demonstrate that you have mastered the knowledge, skills and abilities to operate at a high level of expertise in the field of Public Sector Labor Relations.

2025 Virtual Class Schedule

All workshops will be virtual.

Receive MCLE and HRCI credit all while reaching your goal of completing the Labor Relations Certificate Program. Plan ahead and register now! 2025 schedule.

Benefits of Certification to the Participant:

  • Increase knowledge in all areas of Labor Relations
  • Increase your value to your agency
  • Increase respect and recognition in the field
  • Increase opportunity for upward mobility
  • Increase marketability and ability to compete in the job market
  • Increase professional credibility

Benefits of Certification to the Agency:

  • Increase the level of competency of the individual
  • Encourage and improve job performance
  • Acknowledge an individual who has developed a high level of professionalism
  • Use as an aid for retention and recruitment


Costing Labor Contracts

The keys to successful negotiations include planning and costing. Just like planning a vacation, the amount of time and effort you put into planning and costing can determine the success of the trip. Costing contract proposals is similar to costing excursions on a vacation – they all sound like a good idea but can we afford them? Join us at this workshop to learn the importance of costing and methods you can use to make costing easy.

Nuts & Bolts of Negotiations

Navigate the nuts & bolts of public sector labor negotiations by exploring the legal framework of collective bargaining, preparation tips for the process, and setting up your strategy. The fundamentals are the building blocks to success and this workshop will provide the key elements in this process.

Communication Counts!

Effective labor negotiators have strong communication skills and understand the critical impact that all types of communication have on labor relations. How we communicate – verbally, with body language, using data, with contract language, our proposals, and our closed session presentations each influence the labor negotiations process. Technical labor relations knowledge is essential for success but communication is powerful in accomplishing labor relations objectives.

The Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) Academy

This workshop will help you understand unfair labor practices, PERB hearing procedures, representation matters, agency shop provisions, employer-employee relations resolutions, mediation services, fact-finding, and requests for injunctive relief – all subjects covered under PERB’s jurisdiction. Join us and we share the insight on PERB!

Trends & Topics At The Table

What is happening in that room? This workshop puts you into the negotiation session environment and focuses on tips from our time at the table. Trending topics, union tactics, creative problem solving, and techniques to tackle various contract provisions will be shared and demonstrated.

The Rules of Engagement: Issues, Impacts & Impasse

Understanding the scope of meet and confer matters, impacts/effects bargaining, the rights of union/association representatives, dealing with pickets, protests and concerted activity, issuing last, best & final offers, impasse procedures and managing the chaos that can come when engaged with labor relations challenges will be covered in this workshop.

Bargaining Over Benefits

Benefit provisions continue to get complicated with retirement, Affordable Care Act, FLSA compliance, IRS compliance, retiree medical, and leaves of absence. Understanding the interplay of state and federal laws and MOU provisions is important – let us uncomplicate some complicated subjects, provide tips for compliance, and offer strategies for your agency to consider.