AB 1666 – California Complete Count Census 2020 Office To Partner With LEAs To Provide Information About Census To Parents And Students

CATEGORY: Business and Facilities Briefings
CLIENT TYPE: Nonprofit, Private Education, Public Education, Public Employers
AUTHOR: Casey Williams
DATE: Jan 09, 2020

This bill requires the California Census Office to partner with local educational agencies to make information about the 2020 census available to parents and students. That information will describe the importance of the census, identify privacy protections and resources provided by the federal Census Bureau, and list community resources available to assist with completing the census questionnaire, and any other information that may increase participation in the census.  This bill is intended to increase the Office’s ability to reach hard-to-count population groups, who may be more accessible through schools, such as children.

(Adds Section 65040.17 to the Government Code.)