AB 3287 – Electronic Communications with the Franchise Tax Board Allowed Indefinitely
Previously, the Revenue and Taxation Code was amended to allow a taxpayer to designate a preferred electronic communication method (e.g., email) that it preferred to have the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) use, rather than United States mail, to notify the taxpayer that things like, tax statements, bills, or other communications were available for viewing in the taxpayer’s secure folder on the FTB’s internet website. These prior changes to law also allowed taxpayers to file protests, notifications, and other communications to the FTB in a similar secure electronic manner. Those changes were set to expire on January 1, 2025, but Assembly Bill 3287 extends these changes to operate indefinitely, allowing taxpayers to receive from and send electronic communications to the FTB.
(AB 3287 amends section 18416.5 of the Revenue and Taxation Code)