Assembly Bill 569 – Requires The Cybersecurity Regional Alliances And Multistakeholder Partnerships Pilot Program To Submit A Report With Recommendations
The Legislature established the Cybersecurity Regional Alliances and Multistakeholder Partnerships Pilot Program in 2022 to address the cybersecurity workforce gap. The office of the Chancellor of the California State University is required to select any number of California State University campuses to participate in the pilot program through an application and selection process. The Chancellor’s Office is required to give preference to California State University campuses that have or are developing regional pipeline programs in cybersecurity with the California Community Colleges. Each selected campus is required to create a pilot program with goals and metrics, measure the impact and results of its pilot program, and annually share the impact and results with the Chancellor’s Office. The Chancellor’s Office is required to annually report the impact and results from pilot program on each campus to the Legislature.
AB 569 requires the office of the Chancellor of the California State University, on or before July 1, 2028, to submit a report to the Legislature on the pilot program. The report must outline recommendations on how to improve the program, how to recruit more veterans to participate, data on enrollment, how many different groups have been served by the program, and the number of veterans that have participated in the program.
(AB 569 amends Section 89270 of the Education Code.)