Private & Independent Schools: 1-hour Non-Supervisory Harassment Prevention Training
This workshop meets the requirements of SB 1343 (Government Code 12950.1) for non-supervisory employees. The law requires private and independent schools to provide harassment prevention training and education to their new employees within six months of hire and to their current employees every two years.
The training and education provided in this workshop includes defining harassment, discrimination, and retaliation – and how it differs from “abusive conduct.” It affords participants a forum for discussing how these terms apply to employees and students specifically in the school context. The workshop also covers the types of responses to claims that are necessary, including those that trigger mandated reporting obligations. The focus of the workshop is practical guidance and includes discussions of common situations.
The price per session is $21 for non-supervisors. This video is one hour long. You will receive an acknowledgment of completion once you have successfully completed the course. Please note that you need to keep a copy for your records and may need to send a copy to your School’s administrator.
You will have access to watch this video once in 24 hours after payment is made. The workshop must be viewed in one sitting.
Supported browsers to view the video: Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. Please note that Internet Explorer is not supported at this time.
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