Advanced Strike Training for Public Agency Employers

CATEGORY: Webinars on Demand

In this 2-hour training, which is the second in this series on public employee strikes, we will discuss recent developments in the law concerning strikes as well as practical issues related to strike management. We will discuss strategies and tactics regarding negotiations for line passes for essential employees in advance of a threatened strike and continuing contractual negotiations once a strike is underway. We will also provide information that will assist public employers during a work stoppage, including information related to managing security at strike sites as well as managing personnel issues, such as payroll, overtime and benefits issues, and repairing the employer-employee relationship following the conclusion of the strike. We will also discuss issues related to union or employee engagement in unlawful concerted activities during strikes as well as how to deal with sympathy strikes and employees who refuse to cross a picket line.

Who Should Attend:
Management staff at public agencies, including chief administrative officers, department and division heads, and human resource professionals.

2 hours

Please email Nick Rescigno at nrescigno@lcwlegal.com.

Details Price Qty
Consortium Member: Recordingshow details + $75.00 USD  
Non-Member: Recordingshow details + $150.00 USD  

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