Vacancies Front & Center: Understanding New Vacancy Reporting Obligations under AB 2561 + Tools and Tips to Comply with AB 2561

CATEGORY: Webinars on Demand

These trainings will explain the new legal obligations under AB 2561 regarding tracking and reporting on vacancies and how agencies should navigate these new obligations in order to comply with the law. Specifically, the trainings will (1) inform attendees what information they must track and report to their governing body; (2) advise attendees on how to prepare for and respond to requests for information from employee organizations related to vacancies and other related subjects; and (3) assist attendees develop effective public presentations on these subjects. These trainings will also focus on pragmatic instruction in order to facilitate public agency compliance with the new legal obligations under AB 2561. In addition to the trainings, attendees will receive resources and materials developed by LCW that will aid public agencies in their actions to comply with the new legal obligations under AB 2561. The tools included in this package were designed by LCW in order to facilitate compliance with this law and the training will provide tips on their use, including: (1) the use of a tracking tool to monitor the agency’s vacancies and recruitment and retention efforts, (2) the customization of a template presentation for agencies to use to address these subjects at a public hearing, (3) the use of board procedures for governing body to use, and (4) a staff report for agencies to use to in conjunction with the board policy included as part of the initial training on AB 2561 and more.

Who Should Attend:
Human Resources Staff and Agency Counsel.

2 hours

Please email Angela Swartz at aswartz@lcwlegal.com.

Details Price Qty
Non-member: Recordingshow details + $400.00 USD  
Consortium: Recordingshow details + $200.00 USD  

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